Something just doesn't feel quite right, specially when you think we are at the beginning of May and its still 8 degrees outside.
I used to complain about the weather all the time, I just cant seem to get over the fact that this has been the longest winter I can recall and spring doesn't seem that much warmer.
Global warming is altering weather patterns all over the world and temperatures are going crazy.
Lets start taking this a little bit more seriously and take care of our planet a little bit more.
The drastic changes in temperature and all these natural disasters should be a wake up call for all of us, our generation should and CAN make the difference.
Click here for 50 things you can do to stop global warming.
I know this is a fashion blog, but this planet is our home, and we have to spread the world to save it.
In a different note, this is what I wore yesterday, a little bit of American apparel, a little bit of River Island with few hints of ZARA.
It was freezing but still managed to take my coat off and snap these shots.
I know I didn't post much last month, but as you know, I was back in Mexico for holidays with my family and since I couldn't bring all my wardrobe with me and sometimes I couldn't get photos taken, it was really difficult to do normal outfit posts, it was really out of my hands, so I hope you understand.
El hecho de que estemos a principios de Mayo y la temperatura siga alrededor de los 8 grados me parece completamente bizarro.
Yo se me me solía quejar muchísimo de la temperatura en Holanda, pero este ha sido el invierno mas largo para mi y la primavera no parece ser la diferencia.
El calentamiento global esta alterando los patrones del clima al rededor del mundo, así que Tenemos que empezar a tomarnos mas seriamente el tema y empezar a cuidar a nuestro planeta un poco mas.
Estos cambios drásticos de temperatura y todos los desastres naturales que han ocurrido, deberían de servirnos para darnos cuenta que el momento de empezar a cambiar es ahora, nuestra generación PUEDE hacer la diferencia.
Yo se que este es un blog de moda, pero este planeta es nuestro hogar, tenemos que correr la voz y empezar a cuidarlo.
Cambiando de tema, esto es lo que me puse ayer. Un poco de american apparel, un poco de River Island con unos toques de ZARA.
Yo se que no actualice mucho el mes pasado, pero como muchos de ustedes saben, estaba en Mexico de vacaciones con mi familia y no me era posible actualizar todos los días.
Espero que lo entiendan.