GIRLS DAY DAILY, Girl’s Day MAXIM Interview (May Issue)

Maxim : This is the 2nd meeting with Maxim, how do you feel?
Girl’s Day : Wow! We’re on the cover!
M : You’ve upgraded to a popular group. Do you feel you’re popular?
G: Not yet. We were actually surprised you used the word ‘popular’. (laughter)
M : Have you heard any roars from your uncle fans at shows?
G : Our uncle fans are busy so we haven’t heard it yet (laughter). It makes us feel good when people say their way to work feels better when they hear our songs.
M : You’ve had a huge hit with ‘Twinkle Twinkle’ which took a motive from Nami’s ’round and round’. It’s amazing to see a song by someone who was a mega star 20 years ago re-lit by an Idol!
G : Wasn’t Nami an idol at that time as well? (laughter)
M : Are there any other Nami songs you like apart from ’round and round’?
G : uh….uh….we like ’round and round’! (laughter)
M : The style has changed dramatically compared to the last song. ‘Nothing Lasts Forever’ earned you maniac fans but you lost popularity, however this time around it’s the opposite.
G : Both songs are what Girl’s Day is. We would appreciate it if people saw us as having a potential of capturing both fans that are maniac and of the masses. It’s up to the public to decide which music is good.
M : By the way, the Video Director of Maxim was doing your ‘Mammamma Dance’, how did you feel? Please tell us you felt gross.
G : We thought ‘people must really love our “Mammamma Dance”‘. His poor dance actually looked quite cute.
M : It seems that your appearances on variety shows have paid off. You showed ‘old foxy’ actions on ‘Gag Concert’
G : It was all because of Minah’s Suk-so (gross smile).

M : Before it was Minah who was mostly on the variety shows but now Jihae and other members are showing up as well.
G : The members have many hidden talents as well. Mark our words.
M : Do you have any intentions to participate in the survival-variety-of-the-moment (I’m a Singer)?
G : Our dreams were Singer. Challenges music-wise are always welcome. But first we intend to practice harder to get the qualification.
M : Then what kind of music do you want to do?
G : We want to do make music that has the energy to catch people’s ear without being bound to certain genres. We want to be a group that is loved by all people, just like S.E.S or Fin.K.L and their songs have been remembered for a long time.
M : You are the first girl group to have shares of a coffee brand. Are there any chances that you might open a franchise store? We’ve had saeng-kye-hyeong (groups that raise themselves without the company’s help i.e Kara, Secret) groups before but not a business-type-group.
G : It’s the first time we are doing this kind thing so it’s still very confusing and difficult. We don’t have any surplus time nor energy to think about that.
M : It’s May with the warm spring wind. What do you want to do the most right now?
G : A date on the streets with friends! We really miss the ordinary life we had before our debut.
M : Last of all please leave a message to our faithful Maxim readers.
G : It may take all your life to see all our hidden charms! Please always love the attractive Girl’s Day! Love you! (laughter)

Solo Interview:
What is music to you? - Light! Fun in the hard times!
What is a boyfriend to you? - Curious but not right now.
What is Girl’s Day to you? - Happy just by thinking about it.
Teens? - Special with a mixture of regrets and affection.
Murakami Haruki? (a famous Japanese author) - Someone I don’t know.
Celebrity? - My dream and passion.
What is music to you? - My mind.
What is a boyfriend to you? - Someone I look up to.
What is Girl’s Day to you? - My first step in life.
GGul-beok ji? (hot/nice thighs) - Care
Charisma? - Necessity
High heels? - A good thing to get used to.
What is music to you? - Companion
What is a boyfriend to you? - Good thing if you have it.
What is Girl’s Day to you? - A new beginning in life.
Fans? - Hope
Dancing? - Friend
Teachers? - Big hand (as in a big help)
What is music to you? - Dream, homework, sworn enemy.
What is a boyfriend to you? - A mission I must succeed sometime.
What is Girl’s Day to you? - Pride, headache and destiny.
Diary? - Freedom of mind.
Samsung Lions? (Baseball team based in Dae-Gu….hometown of Sojin) - Nostalgia
University? - Regrets that I didn’t finish (it).
What is music to you? - My everything.
What is a boyfriend to you? - Interest
What is Girl’s Day to you? - Another world.
Beyonce? - My dream and reality.
Yuno Yun Ho? – My dream and memories.
Idol? - Groups with children? Haha
(In Korean, Idol=아이돌 and children=아이들 = play on words. So she just played a joke.)
special thanks to our friend @moony008 for the pictures and translation!
edited by Tammy.