Mischa BartonMischa BartonMischa BartonMischa Barton
final game

AT LAST THERE ARE TWO. Two blondes. Two child actors turned teen-drama centerpieces. Two girls whose Get-A-Grip friends seem to have gone on permanent hiatus. Two women who have trampled over the likes of Rihanna, Lady Gaga, Miley Cyrus, and the combined power of both the Olsen twins and Will Smith’s entire family to make it here to the big dance, the whole sandwich, the one for all the marbles. Are you ready, Fug Nation, to cast your vote and choose which of these two Princesses of WTFery and frequent Oh Honey No recipients most deserves the crown of  Fug Madness Champion? Choose wisely — check out Taylor’s and Mischa’s archives if you need to — and remember, only their efforts from the past year (essentially, from Oscars 2010 to Oscars 2011) are eligible.  Think long, think hard, study the examples in the slideshow and carefully CAST YOUR VOTE:
Mischa Barton
Nor did she deny the allure of the Bra Gown and its constant companion, the Yellow Extensions of Doom.

Mischa Barton
Mischa Barton
Mischa Barton

She embraced the idea of figure-skating a program devoted to the surprising allure of fish scales, which evolved from that scene in Bridget Jones where she explains to her Smug Married friends that the reason she's single is because, under her clothes, she's "absolutely covered in scales." Hey, I would watch that long program.