Black Swan
As soon as I saw the movie Black Swan the ballerina inside me wanted any excuse to throw on a tutu, leotard and feathers. I also wanted any excuse to act completely insane for a night!
For those who haven’t seen Black Swan, it is a must see film this year and has had a definate impact on runway and hollywood fashion. Vivienne Westwood has even designed a wedding dress inspired by Black Swan!
Below is my take on Black Swan, I am still finding feathers throughout the house, but it was worth it.
Have you seen the movie, if so are you the Black Swan or White Swan?

For those who haven’t seen Black Swan, it is a must see film this year and has had a definate impact on runway and hollywood fashion. Vivienne Westwood has even designed a wedding dress inspired by Black Swan!
Below is my take on Black Swan, I am still finding feathers throughout the house, but it was worth it.
Have you seen the movie, if so are you the Black Swan or White Swan?