Shonen Knife
Shonen Knife
Tokyo, Japan – Shonen Knife have been rocking out and making audiences happy for over 25 years with their unique brand of punk-pop.
I sat down and spoke with the Osaka-based trio – original member Naoko (lead vocals, guitar), Etsuko (drums, vocals), and newest member Ritsuko (bass, vocals) – before their concert at Lush in Shibuya, on Saturday, September 12.
They shared their thoughts on fashion, their upcoming North American tour, and their latest album, “Super Group.”

How important is fashion and personal style for you?
Etsuko: Fashion is important. An 8 out of 10.
Ritsuko: It`s not so important for me, but I like to dress up. When I go to a summer festival, I wear a yukata. And when I go to a wedding party, I wear a kimono.
Naoko: I like to go shopping downtown in Osaka. But I think the “in” fashion is not so important for me. I like to wear this style. I like rock fashion.
Can you tell me about what you`re wearing today?
Naoko: I`m wearing a Ramones t-shirt. I got this from a Shonen Knife fan. Also, these are jeans, but very stretchable, because we travelled from Osaka to Tokyo by car, so I needed very easy, relaxing pants. And this looks like a rider`s jacket, but it`s a very soft texture.
Ritsuko: I like loose fashion. My pants are easy to move in. I bought my shirt in Osaka.
Etsuko: Today, it`s a kind of leggings style – actually, skinny jeans with a short-sleeve t-shirt. I bought the shirt at the shop where I always go to in Osaka – Tennoji Mio.
Naoko: Tennoji Mio building – it`s a big shopping mall in Osaka.
Etsuko, I read on Shonen Knife`s myspace page that you like to follow the latest fashion trends.
Etsuko: I like to check the trends through TV, internet, and clothing shops.
What`s the current hot item?
Etsuko: They`re not for me, but thigh-high boots seem trendy right now.
What`s your opinion about Japanese street fashion?
Etsuko: I think it`s okay for everybody to wear what they like. But sometimes I find a few people wearing the same fashions, and it`s weird.
What was your style like when you were a teenager?
Etsuko: I was so busy with club activities, so I was always wearing a school uniform.
Ritsuko: I wore mini-skirts.
Naoko: I wore the same as now. I wore jeans and t-shirts. Casual fashion.
Can you tell me about Shonen Knife`s stage costumes?
Naoko: I think we like to be prominent – more prominent than the audience – so that`s why we wear matching outfits. Making our stage costumes is rather easy. If we don`t have any stage costumes, we need to prepare our private clothes, but it`s very complicated. Also, matching outfits seem very fun for the audience. Many rock bands wear stage costumes. For example, The Beatles wore Pierre Cardin suits. And Kiss wear very fun stage costumes. I like that.
Has the band always worn matching outfits?
Naoko: Yeah, we`ve been wearing stage costumes from the first time. My younger sister – our original drummer – Atsuko, designed and made our stage costumes by herself. But she moved to Los Angeles, and now Etsuko`s aunt makes our costumes. We design them ourselves. We just want to wear costumes which are entertaining for people. Also, the textile should dry fast – like sportswear, because we`re very sweaty onstage.
Ritsuko: (Stage costumes are) very important for us. Once I wear my stage costume, I feel I can be a member of Shonen Knife.
Naoko: It`s like Superman`s suit, or Batman`s suit.
What will you wear for your upcoming North American tour?
Naoko: We will take one or two or three costumes – maybe two – and one of them will be our stage costume for our latest album, “Super Group”, which we`re wearing on the jacket of the CD.
For people who don`t know Shonen Knife, how would you describe your band?
Naoko: Three-piece, all-female band, and the music style is punk-pop, but the spirit is very “rock”.
Ritsuko: Love and peace. Live performances are very “rock”.
Etsuko: A very cool and enjoyable band.
What can people expect to see from Shonen Knife on this tour?
Naoko: We`re going to play new songs from our latest album, “Super Group”, and also, for Ritsuko, it will be the first American tour.
Ritsuko: I’m looking forward to the tour. I`ve been waiting for it for a long time, so it`s like a dream come true.
Etsuko: The first time I went to North America, it was so hard to manage doing the live shows every day, but then I got used to it, so I was able to enjoy the tour. Now, I’m looking forward to enjoying the shows and seeing the fans and people I met.
Aside from Shonen Knife, what do each of you want to do in the future?
Etsuko: I want to design clothes, if I have the talent and opportunity.
Ritsuko: Cooking. I want to cook and make sweets.
Naoko: I`d like to go to a tennis academy, and train for tennis. I want to be a stronger tennis player.
Before we finish, can you tell me about the new album?
Naoko: The new album, “Super Group” is a very fun album.
Ritsuko: Our photograph is on the CD jacket.
Naoko: In these last few years, we usually use a drawing, but this time it`s a photograph. Also, there are various kinds of songs on the album. Some songs are very “pop”, and some songs are kind of hard rock. My favourite song is called “Pyramid Power”. Pyramids have a very special power. If people put an apple inside a pyramid, the apple will never rot.
Naoko: I don`t know if people will believe it or not, but it must be a very fun thing. I wrote such a fun song and I hope people will listen to our album, and I hope people will come to our show, and let`s rock!
Let's rock!
Let's rock!
Find out more about Shonen Knife, their upcoming North American tour, and their new album, “Super Group”, at the official Shonen Knife site.