(clockwise from top left: opening ceremony dress, acne bodysuit, american apparel swimsuit, stine goya pants, pendleton x opening ceremony jumpsuit, lau lau bag)
Suddenly craving all sorts of prints for summertime. As soon as I save up a couple more bones, I'm making that bag mine.

"As a wee tot sporting mismatched patterns, neon colours, and 101 Dalmatian t-shirts, I lived by the mentality that fashion should be fun. Back then at the age of 3, the idea of matching things was nonsensical and it was second nature to gravitate towards things that were as wild and blinged out as possible because neutral colours were boring and black was strictly for funerals. Then again, in those days it would be considered to be extremely inappropriate to wear your undergarments on the outside of I guess the times have changed substantially.
And although I still have an wholehearted love for bling, I have also embraced neutral colours with open arms, and have reserved a large space in my heart (and closet) for the colour black. That is why this spring I have found my style to really demonstrate my journey of growing up and leaving my younger self behind. At the brand new age of 18, it is hard to ignore the trends (and I have subsequently succumbed to them), but like my 3 year old self I still never limit myself in terms of what I am allowed and what I am not allowed to wear. Albeit, I have stopped shopping at the Disney Store and instead have passed along my cotton character-branded t-shirts for artistically draped garments, sheer fabrics, and details that extend past a glittery rendition of Tinkerbell."