Fashion Week season is over and as a consequence and due to the constant traveling for the past month and a half, my apartment looks like a war zone (a fashion war zone if there was such thing).
There are clothes and shoes everywhere so for the next few days, it will be undergoing a massive cleanup, as in for me, I am completely exhausted and need a few days to just relax and take it EASY, so I can get myself into "normal" mode again (again, if there is such thing).
The past few weeks have been incredibly amazing, from the experiences I have been through, to the people I have shared them with and I can only be grateful for the way things are unfolding for me, life is good lately!
I am traveling to Barcelona in few days for an exciting project, I will make sure I keep you updated for that one too.
Again thank you all for following me through these exciting past few fashion Weeks, you guys are the reason why I do all of this ♥♥♥