I get that there’s a recession happening. Truly, I do.

But there HAVE to be better ways for Amy Adams to cut back than by skimping on her stylist’s fees, in favor of safety-pinning an Infinite Dress in unusual and unflattering places. She looks like a napkin-folding seminar gone horribly awry.
I think I need a ruling on Amy Adams here. We need to take this play under review, as it were.  If I may stretch this metaphor: As a Fug coach, I am challenging this call (which reminds me: congrats to all members of the Steelers nation — that was one heck of a game!), and you are the review team.
Here’s the front:
Eh. It probably is one of those that look better in person, right?  Sure, we’ll give her that. It’s possible. These things have happened before. There’s no definitive proof that it DIDN’T look better in person, ergo, it’s still too close to call. Let’s see it from another angle:

WHAT HAVE WE HERE? That’s interesting! Or, depending on your taste, weird. Or possibly interestingly weird, or weirdly interesting. Me? I’m just the coach. But I think I like the back, but wish the whole thing was another color. Something less reminiscent of incredibly shiny oatmeal. But what do I know?