Here is another modern creation from Balenciaga bags. This is the Balenciaga City Patchwork Tote Bag. The pattern for this handbag may not be that new but it truly gives out some sure sense of sophistication and refined fashion. This time, it is released in brand new colors, with one being in blue and the other in beige and multicolor.

I personally prefer the blue bag because of the different hues of the color blue, whether heavy or light. Each color has a representation of a typical mood and style as if it projects your emotions as the owner. Its subtle difference with its varying shades is what makes it unique. It is charming, magical and very entertaining to the eyes.
It is made of lambskin with ameliorated aged brass studs. It has very fine textile lining and some interior zip pockets with an engraved plague of Balenciaga. It is of top quality leather.
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